Quick! What am I naming here? Cracker, shredder, chisel, probe, strainer, spear.
No, not names of WWF wrestlers. Kitchen utensils? Getting closer. How about types of bird beaks? Ding ding ding!
Yes, each and every bird species has a beak custom-fit for the type of food he eats, crafted by our endlessly creative God. Birds and their beaks—a case in point of the amazing variety in nature.
Exhibit A: a handsome little screech owl at the Kansas Wetlands Education Center. He winked at me and I was smitten.
Exhibit B: a baby (grackle?) that was sitting on the sidewalk in front of my folks' house a few days ago. There's a certain point when extreme ugliness becomes cute, no?
And Exhibit C: the chicken which lives in the backyard of my Provo duplex. I call her... Fluffy Head. I also think she looks like a "Veronica," but that's harder to explain. I miss her.
Yes, the last several weeks have been curiously bird-filled. I wasn't even surprised when I attended vacation Bible school at Newton Bible Church and the theme that day turned out to be... bird beaks. They were using Answers in Genesis curriculum, which emphasizes the wonders of our Creator and His creation. And that's how I learned the difference between a cracker and a shredder.
The night before, I taught NBC's kids' club about Jim Elliot (an inspiring true story—very much not "for the birds"). Then Thursday morning, it was my privilege to share with the 60-some VBS attendees a little about KEY Radio. Their offerings all week were collected to assist me with promotion around the listening areas—how encouraging is that? Thanks, kids! You made me happy as a lark. Uh... Clark.
Mrs. Unruh and her class at Newton Bible Church's VBS.
Part of my purpose statement is "to share God's grace through radio, church planting and evangelism"—so how fitting it is that two of my supporting churches are named Grace. Sunday, July 1, I spent with Grace Community Church; they are located in Great Bend, Kansas, and have been supporting me for four years. I shared briefly in both their worship services, and taught the junior high Sunday school class. Then about thirty people stayed afterwards to view the hour-long movie produced recently to show the progress and challenges of church planting in Utah. It's a fantastic, engaging film, and if you haven't seen it yet, contact me for details.
Between all the hugs and the scrumptious sloppy joes and the ubiquitous "technical difficulties" and the questions about Mitt Romney—it was such a busy day that I failed to take a single photo. Rats. But special thanks to the GCC missions committee for all their work hosting me.
What's a summer road trip without a little car trouble? It's as unthinkable as Laurel without Hardy and roast beef without Arby's sauce. If your trip goes by without being towed at least once, you have missed half the adventure.
This is the sort of pep talk I give myself while standing in knee-high grass by the highway, in 110' heat, waiting for someone to come tow my dead car.
But, really, I feel more like this:
Between all the hugs and the scrumptious sloppy joes and the ubiquitous "technical difficulties" and the questions about Mitt Romney—it was such a busy day that I failed to take a single photo. Rats. But special thanks to the GCC missions committee for all their work hosting me.
What's a summer road trip without a little car trouble? It's as unthinkable as Laurel without Hardy and roast beef without Arby's sauce. If your trip goes by without being towed at least once, you have missed half the adventure.
This is the sort of pep talk I give myself while standing in knee-high grass by the highway, in 110' heat, waiting for someone to come tow my dead car.
But, really, I feel more like this:
I had spent part of the day in Hays, Kansas, visiting some churches and KPRD. On the way home, Bubbles suddenly died—right there at the intersection of two highways.
And the biggest "thankfully": my star of a father was able to get Bubbles running the next day! A simple battery replacement was needed—and it was covered under warranty. I am happy to report that Bubbles is still with us. Long may she roll.
Thankfully, a kind man in a truck came along and pushed my car to the side of the road. Thankfully, I had my cell phone and had just purchased a AAA membership. Thankfully, the AAA dispatcher bumped up my status to "priority" due to "the location and extreme heat," so I had to wait less than an hour for help. Thankfully, my mom came to wait for the tow truck with me and brought a bottle of ice water. Thankfully, I was only a few miles from home and incurred no towing expense.
And the biggest "thankfully": my star of a father was able to get Bubbles running the next day! A simple battery replacement was needed—and it was covered under warranty. I am happy to report that Bubbles is still with us. Long may she roll.
Now I'm in Georgia, beginning Candidate Orientation with Biblical Ministries Worldwide. Not that I'm a new candidate, but with my switcheroo from tentmaking to career missions, I was encouraged to attend these two weeks of assessments and training. Some of the info is repeat. Some is not applicable (I'm able to write this while everyone else is taking a "marriage assessment"). But it's good to be here among people I love. I know I'll come away with new ideas and new friends. Also, the food is amazing. Tally ho.
I can't believe you skipped out on "marriage assessment"!! I guess that's one of the "perks" of being single: a little more free time : )
Poor Bubbles...I am glad she is doing better! Atleast you did not get snake-bit and then slandered as another missionary I read about that was wrecked on the island of Malta ;)
Cristelle: Yep! Another is the freedom to leave hair in the sink on occasion. And I really like having an excuse not to buy broccoli—one person simply cannot eat that much before it goes bad.
Anonymous: True that. There is also a happy lack of dysentery in my story, unlike Paul's.
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